Happy birthday

A year ago (+ 1 day – proof that I’m rubbish with dates!) I ventured into the world of blogging and posted my first piece Don’t make me count to 3. This was something that took a lot of building up to, support from an amazing bunch of friends and unwavering belief from my long suffering husband and family.

A year ago I didn’t think anyone would read it. 

One of the things I’ve loved the most about the last year is the realisation that I’m not on my own. I’m building a small army of comrades, from all walks of life, mums, dads, people without children, strangers and many new friends. No matter what our circumstances, we all find it hard sometimes, we all ponder about what we can do to change our lives for the better, yet we all find moments where we love our lives with such an intensity it can be utterly terrifying.

Thank you for sharing your moments with me too.

This blog is a record of the happy times I’ve shared with my family, an opportunity to make light of my car crash approach to parenting. Some days, I dare say it’s even made me a more patient mother. Before, I would’ve slowly died of embarrassment if my child point blank refused to go into the supermarket and lay on the floor screaming (don’t get me wrong, some days I lose the plot and march us all back to the car, forcing back tears of mortification while being slapped or kicked by my raging child). Occasionally, albeit rarely, I will calmly sit down next to her and wait for it to pass, quietly planning the next blog post and quietly working through the dialogue, the build up and before I know it, 15 minutes has passed, she’s a bit chilly and decides going in the shop isn’t such a bad idea after all.

My children, it would seem, never run out of material.

So what does the next year hold for What Mum should have told me? You can always be sure of:

A warm welcome,

Some embarrassing stories,

A fair bit of whinging,

Some snorty laughs (I hope),

A terrifying, exciting and daunting change in circumstances that does not involve having a baby (more on this another day…)

A genuine heartfelt thanks to you all – fellow bloggers, you’ve made me laugh, you’ve made me cry and I feel so privileged that you take the time to read this.

Ali x


  1. Happy bloggiversary! (Yes, I just made that word up, and yes, it’s going into regular use here now it exists). I adore your stories and feel like we are kindred spirits of the ‘car crash’ parenting school.

    Looking forward to lots more snort-laughing this year, and hoping wistfully that your big, daunting, non-baby-having change might be an emigration to Australia so that we can have a brew together one day… 🙂


    • Ah my blog soul mate, the brew will have to remain a cyber one for now! Bloggiversary is cemented in my vocabulary from here on in. Thanks for your kind words of support – always. And more thanks for making me laugh until tea comes down my nose and then making me jump on my soap box and wave my arms about. That’s no mean feat – not many have the privilege to brag about that! Tag line… ‘Mummy spits the dummy: cackle inducing and moral inspiring writing, motivating even the most sedate, apathetic and overtired of Yorkshire-women into protest and outrage.’

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